Archive for the “Greenbergs of Merrick” Category

Saw my father at the hospital tonight, recovering from getting his right hip replaced yesterday. I saw him last night, too, but didn’t get a chance to post. Anyway, he seems to be a bit groggy, very sleepy and in his own words “uncomfortable”. I guess that beats being in constant pain, although I guess I’m still naive enough to think that 4-5 days of “napping” is an enviable position. I guess it’s not so much the napping that ruins the experience, but rather the whole “too weak to walk and can’t stand up without getting nauseated” part.

Slightly humorous footnote: when my mom and I got home, there was a message from someone at the hospital looking for my dad. You’d think that they of all people would know where he was (as it is, we were given incorrect room numbers twice before I happened to find my father’s room by accident).

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